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The 5 Most Common STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

Here are the 5 most common STDs that you might in danger of.

1. Chlamydia

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), Chlamydia is the most commonly reported STD in the US, surpassing all other STDs in terms of infection rate.

It can be spread through vaginal sex, anal sex and less commonly, oral sex. Once it has set in, only half of men and a quarter of women will get any symptoms. This makes it hard for most people to get diagnosed early enough and get the right treatment.

Treatment is done through use of antibiotics. A check up after 3 months is highly recommended to ensure complete eradication.

2. Gonorrhea

Another very common STD with the CDC estimating at least 700,000 new cases of gonorrhea every year. The infection targets the cervix in women, the urethra in men and the throat in both sexes. Thus, it can be spread through anal, vaginal and oral sex. Symptoms include burning feeling when urinating, a yellowish genital discharge and swollen testicles.

While gonorrhea has traditionally been treated using antibiotics, it has become increasingly resistant. CDC recommends a method of treatment referred to as dual therapy, where two drugs are administered at the same time.

3. Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that is extremely common. Almost all sexually active men and women in the US will get it at one point. There are around 40 different variations of the infection and they can be spread through anal sex, vaginal sex ( and oral sex. Interestingly, some types can be spread just by skin to skin contact.

Luckily, most forms of HPV are harmless enough and display no symptoms. Others however can lead to various kinds of cancer affecting the mouth, cervix or penis.

4. Syphilis

Syphilis is a bit more complicated in how it starts and develops. It has four stages with treatment being easiest in the early stages. In the third stage, also called the latent stage, the disease can last for years without any symptoms. The danger with this is that syphilis can have serious health consequences when left untreated.

For pregnant women, testing should be carried out regularly to avoid serious effects on the growing baby. People already diagnosed with HIV and gay men should also receive regular testing.

5. Genital Herpes

This is another common STD made worse by the fact that symptoms usually do not appear. In fact, most people with genital herpes have no idea they have it, meaning they will not seek any treatment. This increases the risk of spreading it to other people through sexual contact.

Unfortunately, there is no known cure or vaccine for use against herpes. The best treatment method is suppressing it through daily administration of antiviral drugs. While this will not cure the disease, it reduces the risk of passing it on to a sexual partner. This medication also helps in the management of symptoms.

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