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5 Unusual Ways To Naturally Tighten Your Vagina

After childbirth, most women have a rather embarrassing issue—a loose vagina. A floppy vag result in many problems including incontinence, reduced sexual pleasure, and delayed orgasm due to the reduction of friction between the penis and the vulva. The feeling of a loose vag also leaves most women with low self-esteem. If you are tired of the loose sensation during sex, a tight cervix will take your sex life to the new and incredible heights. Here are a few natural ways that can help tighten your lady parts.

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  • How To Stay On A Good Diet

  • Using Natural Aloe Vera Extract

  • Doing Kegel Exercises Regularly

  • Knowing How To Do Squats

  • Using Vaginal Props At Home

How To Stay On A Good Diet

To restore the loose pelvic floor muscles, you don’t just need exercises, you also have to feed your muscles correctly everyday to ensure optimal growth and repair. Eat lots of foods that are rich in natural estrogens found in sesame seeds, carrots, fenugreek seeds, pomegranates, yarns, wheat berries and apples. Also, make sure that you eat lots of organic fruits and vegetables, organic lean animal protein and wholegrain organic carbs. A healthy diet will keep your inner muscles stronger and healthier. Some people claim that vinegar, applied directly to the opening of the vulva or added to bathwater, can help naturally tighten a slack vag. This is merely an old wives tale and can leave the vulva prone to many infections.

Using Natural Aloe Vera Extract

Aloe Vera is a proven natural remedy to naturally tighten the vag and prevent prolapse thanks to its astringent properties. The plant contains lots of vitamins including vitamins A, C, folic acid, choline and minerals such as zinc, magnesium, calcium and sodium all of which are crucial in promoting vaginal tightness. This is a natural plant that does not need any complex rules to use. Simply squeeze the gel from a fresh Aloe Vera leaf and gently douse it in using your finger. This can be done 5-6 times a day. If mixed with saliva minutes before application, it is a great lubricant that will make sex incredible. If you want to learn more, please visit our homepage for more information.

Doing Kegel Exercises Regularly

The great thing about Kegel exercises is that they can be done at home without anyone knowing you are working to keep it tight down there. These simple vaginal muscle exercises can help strengthen the vaginal muscles and can tone your floppy vag back to its pre-stretched condition. These exercises are easy to perform once you known how to do them. First, find the muscles you use to stop the flow of urine by lying on your back. One you find them, squeeze them for about a second then relax for a second. Train these pelvic muscles by performing 3 to 6 sets of 25 reps everyday and you will notice changes down there.

Knowing How To Do Squats

Squats are sometimes known to as the king of all exercises as they work the hips, quads, hamstrings and sneakily strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, how to do them is a different question. If done properly, squats will effectively strengthen your vaginal muscles and tone your lady-bits back to its pre-stretched state. If you have never performed squats, you will find them difficult at first. But once you get used to doing them, you can do them anytime as long as you have the required energy. To perform the perfect squats, stand with feet wide, ensuring they are level. With your hips tucked in, pretend that you are sitting on a chair. For better results, add hand weights.

Using Vaginal Props At Home

During child delivery, the pelvic floor has to over stretch to allow the baby to pass through it. Sometimes Kegels and squats may not be enough to strengthen the pelvic floor. If you have tried Kegels and squats to no avail, try using these props. Although they are not popular, props can help make you tighter and restore your lost confidence.

These props bulge around the middle of the vulva, allowing you to naturally tighten the vaginal muscles repeatedly, strengthening them over time. Using them is easy. Simply place the props into your vagina and hold them tightly around the pussy. They usually come in balls, cones and barbells. Whatever the design, they come in varying widths and weights.

If you use any of the above methods, you will notice changes down there in no time. These methods are effective and have no adverse side effects. Don’t use any natural vaginal tightening product (check the review here) if you don’t know what ingredients it contains. Speak with your doctor before you use over-the-counter to make sure it suits your well.

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