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Does Having A Tight Vagina Ensure Better Sex?

A tight genital is a blessing for any woman, whereas a loose one can affect a happy marriage in a negative way. Men surely appreciate a tighter body than a slack one during intimacy. Therefore, if you want to enjoy a happy and long lasting relationship you need to look for ways to bring your stretched genitals back to its pre-stretched state. In this post, we are going to discuss how a tighter genitals can lead to better sex. More info here: These reasons are the most common that you will be hearing from women all around the world.

Increased pleasure

Satisfying sex has everything to do with the size of your lady-bits. There’s no doubt about the fact that the pleasure gotten from a firm vagina is far better than the pleasure gotten from a floppy one. A tight body can give you an extremely explosive sexual pleasure and take your man in seventh heaven. If your genital is too stretched, compare the intensity of pleasure you used to experience from intercourse back when your genital used to be super-tight and the one you experience now.

Intense orgasm

Yes, a firm cervical entrance can make sex very explosive and supremely amazing. When your lady-part is firmed up, you will be able to feel every inch of your guy inside you and he will also be able to feel you. The more pleasure you can give one another the better the orgasm will become as you will be getting more of your nerve-endings. What this means is that both of you will experience an intense orgasm and the two of you may be able to experience multiple orgasms as well.

Boost confidence

Whether you admit it or not, the key to a great sex is sexual confidence. If a woman is not confident in bed, everything will fail and the outcome will be frustrating. When this habit continues, it can lead the couple parting ways. If your lady-part is not too slack, the results will surely be rewarding. You will be sexually confident and sexually active and have lots of fun during sex. Your world will open up and both you and your partner will be willing to try out things you never knew you would do in bed.

Prevents incontinence

Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control. The severity of this condition ranges from infrequently leaking urine when you sneeze or cough to having a sudden and strong urge to urinate. Women suffering from urinary incontinence are likely to leak during sex because of pressure on the bladder during penetration. Urinary incontinence, without a doubt, can sabotage your sex life. The good news, however, is that a firmed up body can prevent this problem, allowing you and your partner to experience a better and uninterrupted sex.

Conclusion: There’s no denying the fact that a firmed up body can make sex supremely amazing for you and your partner. Most women complain of a flappy body soon after having their first child. If your lady-bits feel floppy, there are a number of ways in which you can correct the problem and have a better sex life.

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