Is Your Vagina Flappy or Loose?
Why does a woman’s vulva become loose? This is a question that many women out there are trying to find an answer to. A flappy vulva can be a nightmare to any woman. If you have a loose vulva, you obviously want to find a solution to this problem as soon as possible. However, it will only be possible for you to get a long lasting solution if you know the cause of the problem. There are many myths out there that try to explain why some women have flappy vaginas. Most of them are nothing but just myths. Although there are many things that can make you have a flappy vulva, here are the most common causes. You can also check out the homepage for more information.
3 Most Common Causes of Loose Vaginal Walls
1. Aging
As a woman, your lady-bits is going to get lose as you get older, this is due to the muscles that work for making the vulva tight become less efficient as you grow older. Therefore, if your pussy is not tight today as it used to be a decade ago, there is no need to worry so much because it is something that is perfectly natural. This is something that happens to all women as they age. Instead, you should focus on finding a way to keep your vag tight as you age.
2. Giving birth
Your pelvic muscles are usually put under a lot of pressure every time you give birth. That is why your cervix is likely to get lose when you give birth. The higher the number of children that you give birth to, the higher the likelihood that you are going to have a lose cervix. This does not mean that all women end up with a loose vagina after giving birth. There are many women who are lucky to get back the grip they had before giving birth. The vaginal tightness of the pelvic floor can be affected tremendously if you give birth to many children in a short period. However, this does not mean that nothing can be done to make your vulva tight again.
3. Medical conditions
There are some medical conditions that can make a woman’s vulva flappy. Although this happens rarely, it is something that you should not rule out if you have a loose cervix. However, you should not make a conclusion without being examined by a doctor. You can only know if you are having a flappy pussy because of a medical condition if you are examined by a qualified medical professional.